Tuesday, December 30, 2008
An Extraordinary Year
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Oh How Fast Things Can Change
It won't stop. It won't allow us to leave the house (I feel like I'm on lockdown), nor will it allow anyone else to travel. Friends are stuck in New York and California. Family are stuck in Portland and Seattle and the snow is threatening to keep us apart for Christmas. Granted, everyone is safe, with electricity, running water and lots of food, but every night I pray for rain. Whoever thought people in Longview, Portland or Seattle would want rain...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A Student's Wish
Saturday, November 29, 2008
All 687
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Student Life
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Cutest, Most Unhappiest Truffle Maker Ever
A few weeks ago, I had this grand idea that Ben and I could make chocolate truffles for the wedding favors. We found these cute boxes, and the thought of truffles inside of them seemed perfect. I asked Ben how much trouble they would be and he said they were time consuming, but we could do it. The idea was grand until last night.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
11 days...
- write vows...(oh wait, that goes under big things)
- create slideshow (fyi, the pictures of ben as a little boy are so cute it's ridiculous)
- make 300 plus truffles for favor boxes
- create music playlists for mingling and the dance party
- get bridal party gifts
- make sure the hair/make-up team, photographer, violinist, minister, etc. etc. etc. are all on the same page...not sure which page...maybe 84
- order food, wine...
- hope it doesn't freeze so there are still flowers at the farmer's market (not really a to-do, just a small dance to the rain god every night, about keeping it liquid, and not ice)
- write thank-you's to...well...everyone...(this is actually very relaxing...i know i'm kind of sick)
- and what was "GC"? i wrote it on my to-do list and now don't know what it was...urgh
- keep family in check...i swear you never know the lovely intricacies of your family until it's wedding time.
- and just a few more things...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Poop on my Leg
Pablo Remembered
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Good Sport
The day we got back from California, Ben and I had an engagement photo session with our wedding photographer. Truthfully, this is something neither of us had heard of, and we were going to swap it out of our package deal, but our photographer told us it was a good way for him to get to know us and vice versa so the wedding day would go more smoothly. Fair enough. At the time, Ben was all for it, yet as the day grew closer he grew more weary.
As we walked down to meet Sean Morrison, a high school photography teacher in Vancouver, and an all-around nice guy, Ben kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to do this. I reassured him everything was going to be fine knowing he a) really doesn't like his picture taken, b) really really doesn't like his picture taken for two hours and c) really really really doesn't like his picture taken for two hours in public, making lovey dovey faces at me.
We started in China Town, made our way to downtown Portland, stopped by the Ace Hotel to use their photo booth, circled back to the park blocks and then finished in Pioneer Square. Overall, Ben did really good for hating every minute of it and the pictures turned out pretty good too. There are a few when you can tell he's over it and there might have been once or twice that I told him if he looked away from the camera entirely, it wouldn't make this go any faster. I'm proud of him and glad we did the photo session, because more than anything it made me feel more confident in our photographer and I'm excited for our future wedding pics.
You can see the photo session here:
http://flickr.com/photos/sanblaspdx/sets/72157607221495376/Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Happiest Place/Race on Earth
Thursday, August 28, 2008
One Thing Off the To-do List
Our landlord is a clown.
He dresses up in full get-up for events such as SeaFair or Bumbershoot. Thankfully he didn't show up in full costume when he showed us the place...that would have been too much, and honestly...a little scary.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Stuck Twice
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Husky Part Deux
I'm sad to leave Portland and will miss living with my sister and our lovely little apartment. I will miss my friends and being able to conveniently walk everywhere. I will miss weekly hot turkeys at Goose Hollow with Booie, and burger, movie, beer night at the Mission, but I know we will live in the great city of Portland with all our good friends someday again, which makes the decision a little easier.
With all of that sad, plus many more things not mentioned, I am excited to live close to my Seattle friends again, to go to Mariner games (hopefully next season will look more promising), to utilize the IMA, which I helped pay for its renovation my senior year at UW, and will be able to proudly sport my Jake Locker jersey without jeers from Oregon Duck or Beaver fans.
The move, starting school, looking for jobs, etc. will add to our already busy fall, meaning the wedding, but we are looking at it with excitement and possibility rather than stress and disappointment. If you haven't had a chance, here is the link to our wedding website: www.angelaandben.weddingwindow.com... and one more things....go dawgs!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
How Fast Time Goes
When you first get engaged somewhere along the way you will receive a planning book with checklists on all the things you must do in order to have the perfect wedding. After looking it over, I crossed about half of them off. But even by not doing most of the things recommended, items start to add up. Cake, photography, rental space, food/drink, flowers, attire, etc. etc. etc. People are starting to make adjustments in order to combat the cost, such as presenting a styrofoam cake and serving sheet cake, or plugging in the Ipod, however things still add up quickly. Ben and I are extremely fortunate to know some fabulous people who are helping out, and without them we wouldn't be able to have the wedding that we are planning, so as an upfront...thank you thank you thank you, with many more to come.
Just for fun, here are some general wedding pricing (the key is not to say "wedding" to anyone, because I swear it bumps the price up).
Wedding Gowns: I tried on a whole bunch the other day, and my two favorites could be mine for a mere $3,300 or $4,600 with a $500 veil...yikes!
Cakes: $1,000
Wedding Photography: Nothing less than $1,500, and if you want your photos, more like $2,500
Anyways, the moral of the story, get into the wedding business...just kidding. The moral that I have learned so far is not to feel pressured on doing everything the wedding business says you have to do to have a perfect day. The day will be lovely no matter what, and as long as you're happy, everyone will have a fantastic time.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Last Stop
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hurray for Ships! Off the Boat.
Barcelona is wonderful though, warm, sunny with lots to see and a laid back atmosphere. The perfect place to end our trip. We´re getting close to the end...very excited to come home, but said that it´s almost over. See you all soon!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Yeah Pictures!

yeah pictures! the first is the town of Manarola that we stayed in Cinque Terra. #2 is me at the top of city no. 3 Corniglia. If you look in the background you will see our town of Manarola that we just hiked from...3 down 2 more to go. No. 3 & 4 are the Colosseum at night and Ben and I in it the next morning. The 5th is Ben peeling fava beans outside our villa in Siena. He was enjoying himself so much, he decided he must have been a peasant woman in a former life. Lastly, the view from our Tuscan villa...yeah!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Rome to Siena
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Cinque Terra
The biggest obstacle of the trails isn't the terrain, but rather our fellow travelers. At first, I thought it would be the Holy Hiking Poles. Somewhere in Germany, someone has made a fortune telling people they need hiking poles for the trails. They are named the HHP's because when fifty of them got off the train at once with their backpacks, tourguide holding a brightly covered umbrella and poles, the first words out of my mouth were "holy hiking poles." Yet, I'm not sure how much those poles actually get used...I only saw three sets on the trails. The true obstacle is the groups of Italian kids. They come in packs of at least 30, most likely on a field trip, and are never hiking on the trails, but sitting, waiting for their teacher(?) to catch-up. The problem is that they are oblivious to everything except their sunglasses, Nelly-sized belt buckles shining proudly and each other. No one else exists. Swear words were uttered when we would see them and we would brace ourselves, elbows out, to try and get through the packs.
Overall, we had a great time. The scenery was incredible, the gelato and limoncino exquisite, and we stayed in the cutest apartment surrounded by olive and lemon trees with the nicest owener, Senore Imere, who left us fresh lemons. Neither Ben nor I have ever had lemons like these ones. They smell the way you think lemons should smell, but have never actually experienced the aroma before. We dried some seeds to take back. We both acknowledge that there probably is a reason we haven't seen lemon trees in Oregon, but we'll try anyways.
Ciao! (pictures to come, I promise!)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Au Revoir France, Ciao Italy
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Last of Paris

Monday, April 7, 2008
Paris Part Deux
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Early Wednesday morning we rolled up our sleeping bags, that's right we slept in our bags on top of the bed (tyee motel anyone?) and left for Paris...Ah Paris. We are staying in this cute Parisan apartment 5 minutes from the Eiffel Tower. Today we walked along the Siene river up to Notre Dame, which still stuns me with its beauty, and then back through the Louvre, and the Champ de Elysses. Ben is like a kid in a candy store with all the fromaggeries and shops that state on the window "foie grais." Plus our neighborhood is like what Paris looks like in my dreams: open street markets, cute apartments, cafes...we're pretty happy right now. Au revoir.
Monday, March 31, 2008
If I Have to Eat One More Sausage...

so these pictures are in no particular order. the first is the outdoor street market in frankfurt...that´s right we´re eating sausages and drinking wine at 10:15 a.m. The second is when we first landed in Germany. The third is Rothenburg, Germany and the last one is Frankfurt. More photos to come. We´re off to eat...oh you guessed it..another sausage. This will have to be my last one...it´s getting ridiculous. We are heading to Paris on Wednesday. We miss you all, and love your comments.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Stepped Back in Time
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Things I Never Knew or Didn't Remember
2. I didn't know how many words actually contain the letter y. On German keyboards y and z are flipped. Yesterday's blog took forever to type--partially b/c I was sleepy, but mainly because I didn't want our words to come out as zesterdaz, or latelz, etc.
3. I didn't know that almost all of Frankfurt was bombed by the Allies in WWII, so every building is post 1940s. They have actually nicknamed the town Mainhatten, b/c it looks so modern. Also, everything or everzthing has the word main in it--just to make it confusing to us travellers who are already confused by not speaking German.
4. My favorite word is drüken (it means push).
5. I didn't realize how silly phrase books are. We bought one at the airport b/c we forgot the one that was given to us on loan, however we realized today that it doesn't matter if we ask something in German, we still won't know the answer: where is the store? (in German)....wait wait, bitte (please), can you speak English?...besides hello, please and thank-you our German conversation efforts are futile.
6. Something for everzone to know (sorrz I can't change them all). If the man at the coffee stand asks you 3 times how many sugars you want, and you say none every time, there is a good reason he is asking. Basically multiple the number of times he asks you by one or two and you'll get how many sugars you should have asked for (even if your don't take sugar)..you do in Germany.
I asked Ben if he wanted me to add anything, so here it is, Ben's tip of the day: Stop at the outdoor market for wine...large pour. Thank you Ben.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
We´ve Officially Landed
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Big Pack
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Last Big Luck O' the Irish Step
So now we'll head-off to Europe, not in the shape I imagined, but more with a little hitch in our giddy-up, since we both have sore knees and ankles. Now the packing begins...one last week of work...and seven days to ice away our well-earned accomplishment.